You Know How No One Gave You an Owners Manual When You Came Out?
I Give You Therapy with a Clear Plan and a Guide.
Work with Me in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin & Wyoming
Gain the Freedom to Live Your Life!
You want an LGBTQ+ affirming therapist and more! You want someone who gets what it's like because they live it everyday.
Sometimes you might get stuck and it can be helpful to have a guide who gets your experience.
I'm a gay psychologist, gay therapist, and a gay dad who knows what it's like to be in situations like yours.
Book your complimentary phone call and let's talk.
You Are More Than Your Gender and Sexual Orientation.
Coming out can feel overwhelming and you don't have to do it alone.
My journey started later in life when I came out in my mid 30's.
You can build the support, friendship, and practical tools that you need to make a significant change in your life at any age.
Banish Loneliness From Your Life
Loneliness is an epidemic for gay men.
Distraction, burnout, and careers can keep you from becoming your happiest and most fulfilled self.
Did you know that there are research-based ways you can learn to find "your people"?
You can build a chosen family around you that supports all of who you are.
Gain Clarity For You.
So, you can't un-remember things from the past.
Your faith experience may have been incredibly meaningful or it may have been traumatizing. My experience was both of those things.
You get to decide how you want to live your life moving forward.
You get to decide what place these things may or may not have in your life.
Book your complimentary phone call and let's talk.
Build Lasting Happiness in Your Life.
We can work on...
Embracing single life!
Apps and dating, rejection and hot guys, open vs closed relationships, monogamy, throuples and poly relationships, insecurity and jealousy, infidelity and cheating, breakups, sex and differences in libido, sexual positions, asexuality, ace, and being a side.
Gay couples counseling, gay marriage counseling, and LGBT couples counseling.
Becoming a parent, parenting, co-parenting, and blended families, maintaining the relationship passion as parents, and navigating divorce.
Body image and weight stigma.
Racism and the experience of Queer persons of color.
Trauma, gay men, and why the cycle keeps going.
Gender identity, gender roles, and gender expectations impact cisgender gay men too!
Friendships, managing romantic feelings in platonic friendships, and how to prioritize romantic vs platonic relationships.
What if my identity and actions are more fluid than I thought?
Changes over time like growing older, changes in your body, death and bereavement of a partner, and dating as an older gay man.
And more!